The Official Blog Account of Olvia Andiyani Syafitri

tugas4 tulisan

Five years from now insyaallah I will work according my major in a company. Work hard, diligent, honest and practice is my passion. I will to create an online business orbonline shop as a sideline. Such as sale t-shirt, jacket, jeans, shoes, headscraft and many more.

When I have free time or weekend I will learn to cook because when I get married and be a wife and a mother for my future husband and my future childrens. I feel so happy if I can cook before I go to office. Every early morning I cook for my future husband befor him go to office and my childrens too. So they do not eat a random snack.

And insyaallah someday I will get married with a man. A man with good manners, morals and religion. who will teach me walk towards to heaven.

But before I married I will save my money for my parents for their needs. And so I will go to makkah and umroh with my family from my salary. And so I will work and help people who need help. So I must fight and always positive thinking. Insyaallah allah will hear my hope and my prayers.

tugas 3

Standards of Reporting
1. The report shall state whether the financial statements are presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting pranciples.
2. The report shall identify those circumstance in which such principles have not been consistently observed in the current period in relation to the preceding period.
3. The report shall either contain in the finncial statements of opinion regarding the financial statements, taken as whole, or an assertion to the effect that an opinion cannot be expreased.

The Basic Principles of Professional Ethics.
1. Integrity.
Auditors should be honest and forthright.
2. Objectivity
Auditors should not compromise in providing professional judgment because of the conflict of interest or influence of another person improper.
3. Proffesional competence and accuracy.
Auditor should keep the knowledge and their professional skills in a high enough level and diligent in applying knowledge and their skills when providing professional services.
4. Secrecy
Auditors should keep the confidebtiality of information obtained during the professional duties and relationships with clients.
5. Professional Behavior
Auditors should keep from every behavior which would discredit their profession.

tugas 2 softskill bahasa inggris

Future Tense :
1. (+) I will find your handphone as soon as possible.
    (-) I won't find your handphone as soon as possible.
   (?) Will I find your handphone as soon as possible?

2. (+) I am going to send this bag tomorrow.
     (-)  I am not going to send this bag tomorrow.
    (?) Am I going to send this bag tomorrow?

3. (+) They will dance together tonight.
    (-)   They won't dance together tonight.
    (?) Will they dance together tonight?

4. (+) Tere Liye will write a new novel.
    (-)  Tere Liye won't write a new novel.
    (?)  Will Tere Liye write a new novel?

5. (+) He is going to dufan next week.
     (-) He is not going to dufan next week.
    (?)  Is he going to dufan next week?

6. (+) I will give you a cup of tea.
    (-)  I won't give you a cup of tea.
   (?) Will I give you a cup of tea?

7. (+) They are going to come.
     (-) They aren't going to come.
    (?) Are they going to come?

8. (+) Rini will win the game.
    (-) Rini won't win the game.
    (?) Will Rini win the game?

9. (+) I will change my clothes.
     (-) I won't change my clothes.
    (?) Will I change my clothes?

10. (+) I will come if he invite me.
       (-)  I will not come if he invite me.
      (?) Will I come if he invite me?


1. (+) She can come if her parents permits.
     (-) She can't come if her parents permits.
     (?) Can she come if her parents permits?

2.  (+) I may close the door.
      (-) I may not close the door.
      (?) May I close the door?

3. (+) My grand mother must go to the doctor now.
    (-) My grand mother must not go to the doctor now.
    (?) Must my grand mother go to the doctor now?

4. (+) Rudi could swim when he was young.
    (-) Rudi could not swim when he was young.
    (?) Could Rudi swim when he was young?

5. (+) We should complete the task.
     (-) We should not complete the task.
     (?) Should we complete the task?

6. (+) They may do that.
    (-)  They may not do that.
    (?) May they do that?

7. (+) I must study hard.
    (-)  I must not study hard.
    (?) Must I study hard?

8. (+) I could borrow your car.
    (-)  I could not borrow your car.
    (?) Could I borrow your car?

9. (+) My birthday party should run well next year.
    (-) My birthday party should not run well next year.
    (?) Should my birthday party run well next year?

10. (+) My sister can speak Spanish Language.
       (-) My sister can't speak Spanish Language.
       (?) Can my sister speak Spanish Language?

softskill 1 tugas bahasa inggris

Tittle: Jasa Audit dan Assurance
Publisher: salemba empat
Page: 71

Prinsip-prinsip Dasar Etika Profesional

1. Integritas.
Para auditor harus terus terang dan jujur serta melakukan praktik secara adil dan sebenar-benarnya dalam hubungan profesional mereka.
2. Objektivitas
Para auditor harua tidak berkompromi dalam memberikan pertimbangan karena adanya konflik kepentingan atau pengaruh dari orang lain yang tidak semestinya. Jadi auditor harus menjaga perilaku yang netral ketika menjalankan audit.
3. Kompetensi profesional dan kecermatan
Audior harus menjaga pengetahuan dab keterampilab profesional mereka dalam tingkat yang cukup tinggi, dan tekun dalam menerapkan pengetahuan dan keterampilab mereka ketika memberikan jasa profesional.
4. Kerahasiaan
Para auditor harus menjaga kerahasiaan informasi yang diperoleh selama tugas profesional dan hubungan dengan klien. Para auditor tidak boleh menggunakan informasi yang sifatnya rahasia dari hubungan profesional mereka, baik untuk kepentingan pribadi maupun untuk kepentingan pihak lain. Para auditor tidak boleh mengungkapkan informasi yang bersifat rahasia kepasa pihak lain tanpa seizin klien mereka. Kecuali jika ada kewajiban hukum yang mengharuskan mereka mengungkapkab informasi tersebut.
5. Perilaku profesional
Para auditor harus menahan diri dari aetiap perilaju yang akan mendiskreditkan profesi mereka. Termasuk melakukan kelalaian.

The Basic Principles of Professional Ethics.
1. Integrity.
Auditors should be honest and forthright. And do fair practice and truthfully with their professional relationship.
2. Objectivity
Auditors should not compromise in providing professional judgment because of the conflict of interest or influence of another person improper. So auditors must keep neutral behavior when do audits.
3. Proffesional competence and accuracy.
Auditor should keep the knowledge and their professional skills in a high enough level and diligent in applying knowledge and their skills when providing professional services.
4. Secrecy
Auditors should keep the confidebtiality of information obtained during the professional duties and relationships with clients. Auditor should not use the confidential information of their professional relationship, either for persobal bebefit or for the sake of others. Auditors should not disclose confidential information to other parties without the permissiob of their clients. Unless there are legal obligations that require them to disclose such information.
5. Professional Behavior
Auditors should keep from every behavior which would discredit their profession. Includ commit carelessness.