The Official Blog Account of Olvia Andiyani Syafitri

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Five years from now insyaallah I will work according my major in a company. Work hard, diligent, honest and practice is my passion. I will to create an online business orbonline shop as a sideline. Such as sale t-shirt, jacket, jeans, shoes, headscraft and many more.

When I have free time or weekend I will learn to cook because when I get married and be a wife and a mother for my future husband and my future childrens. I feel so happy if I can cook before I go to office. Every early morning I cook for my future husband befor him go to office and my childrens too. So they do not eat a random snack.

And insyaallah someday I will get married with a man. A man with good manners, morals and religion. who will teach me walk towards to heaven.

But before I married I will save my money for my parents for their needs. And so I will go to makkah and umroh with my family from my salary. And so I will work and help people who need help. So I must fight and always positive thinking. Insyaallah allah will hear my hope and my prayers.


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